Mid Plains Community College and The Valentine Economic Development program will host a panel discussion on December 8th at 5:30pm to address the shortage of health care workers in the KVSH area. For various reasons, particularly COVID-19, health care workers in nursing homes, hospitals, clinics and other health related fields are in short supply.  This lack of workforce is causing stress among communities and other health care providers.

In a effort to relieve part of that stress, Mid Plains and Valentine ED would like to create a pipeline of local workforce to help alleviate the crises. This panel discussion will address the local opportunities in the health care field as well as how citizens may get most of the education expenses paid for. Panel participants will include representatives from Cherry County Hospital, Pineview Good Samaritan, Cottonwood Villa and others that would utilize additional workforce.

Mid Plains has scheduled a Certified Nursing Assistant class for after the first of the year for anyone 16 and over that would like to enroll. Mid Plains can also offer LPN classes in the Valentine Community as well. Anyone who would like to explore a career in the healthcare field is invited to attend the panel to find information about what is available on the local level.  Discussion will include age and educational requirements, financial costs and employment opportunities. Anyone interested in possibly pursuing a career in the health care industry is welcome to attend. The date again will be December 8th, 5:30PM CT at Mid Plains Campus in Valentine.

For more information contact Mid Plains College at 402 376 8033 or Mike Burge at 402 376 6842.

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