The risk dial released on Wednesday, October 7th shows all counties in the yellow for all of the North Central District Health Department’s reporting districts. Most counties remained the same, but Keya Paha county moved from green to yellow.!/vizhome/RiskDialCounties/NCDHDRiskDial

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 17 additional cases across the district: 6- Holt, 1-Cherry, 3-Brown, 5-Knox, 1-Pierce,

NCDHD is working diligently to get influenza vaccine clinics in several communities in the district. Check our influenza vaccine schedule on the VAX4LIFE page on our website for clinics that may be coming to communities near you.

Case count update as of 10/7/2020 at 5:00 PM: 893 Total Cases (TC), 345 Recoveries (R), and 16 Deaths (D). A reminder that Total Case (TC) numbers are represented first, and of those total cases the number of Recovered (R) persons is represented second, and total case related Deaths (D) is represented third.

Antelope: TC: 118, R: 34, D: 1 

Boyd: TC: 35, R: 11 

Brown: TC: 64, R: 12, D: 2 

Cherry: TC: 93, R: 44, D:4 

Holt: TC: 144, R: 33, D: 1

Keya Paha: TC: 2, R: 1

Knox: TC: 232, R: 105

Pierce: TC: 139, R: 75, D:8

Rock: TC: 65, R:30