The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) will hold a public information open house regarding proposed improvements of US Highway 83 (US-83) in Cherry County. The meeting will be held at the Cherry County Fairgrounds, 120 South Green Street, in Valentine, on September 29, 5:00-7:00 PM. A brief presentation will begin at 5:30 PM.

The proposed project starts approximately 0.06 miles west of the junction of US-83 with Nebraska Highway 12 (N-12) at mile marker (MM) 212.42, and extends west to MM 214.14, which includes the bridge over the Minnechaduza Creek (Structure Number SO83 21414).

Construction could begin as early as spring of 2023 with completion anticipated by fall of 2023. Some segments of this project would be constructed under traffic with lane closures controlled by appropriate traffic control devices and practices. Other segments would require temporary closure and detouring of US-83 traffic to complete utility and paving work. Temporary surfacing would be required to accommodate phased construction.

Personnel from NDOT will be present to answer questions and receive comments. Information regarding the proposed project, including the option to view a pre-recorded version of the presentation, will be made available on the NDOT website at by clicking on the “West 4th Street In Valentine” link.