North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 21 additional cases in the district. Fifteen cases in the district, through case investigations, have been determined to be due from community spread: 4 – Knox, 1 Brown, 6- Holt, 1- Pierce, 2-Rock, and 1 – Cherry. Six cases in the district, through case investigations, have been determined to be due from close contacts with confirmed positive COVID-19 cases: 3 – Knox, 1- Boyd, 1- Brown, and  1- Pierce.     

Case count update as of 9/14/2020 at 3:00 PM: 411 Total Cases (TC), 178 Recoveries (R), and 14 Deaths (D). A reminder that Total Case (TC) numbers are represented first, and of those total cases the number of Recovered (R) persons is represented second, and total case related Deaths (D) is represented third. 

Antelope: TC: 39, R: 23, D: 1
Keya Paha: TC: 1, R: 1
Boyd: TC: 11, R: 10
Knox: TC: 124, R: 59
Brown: TC: 12, R: 5 D: 1
Pierce: TC: 86, R: 36, D:8
Cherry: TC: 57, R: 17, D:4
Rock: TC: 36, R:7
Holt: TC: 45, R: 20