In a packed city council meeting last night, there were two agenda items that garnered much of the attention. Councilman Andrew Ward had placed the two controversial items on the agenda the day before the meeting. The first was a discussion regarding the termination of the police department. Mr. Ward stated that the city manger was intending to defund the police department one officer at a time after an email last week suggested the cost savings of having 5 officers instead of 6. Councilman Ward stated that he would not stand for compromising the safety of officers or the public. After brief discussion, there was no motion made and no action taken. Many of those attending the meeting spoke in favor of and supported the Valentine Police Department. On the next agenda item, to terminate the city manager, a very quick motion and second ended with a 3 to 2 vote against the termination. Council members Kieborz, Arganbright and Dent voted against termination with councilmen Ward and Wescott voting in favor. The meeting was moved outside the library due to space after most of this discussion had taken place.