The Vets’ Club on Main Street will be open on Saturday, July 4th, beginning at 11 am CT and food will be grilled with the option to be served outside or for take out. Proceeds from this free will offering will go to the Korean and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee to help fund an appropriate additional Veterans’ monument outside the courthouse.  Activities will commence at 11 am CT with presentation of colors by the 728th Quartermaster Company (Reserve) of Freemont, NE, and Wood Lake American Legion Post 202. Eve Millar of Crookston will be providing music from across the street at the Security First Bank Sweetheart Garden. Security First is also making their parking lot available for anyone to display military/surplus equipment and vehicles.

The demolition derby will begin at 6 pm at the Cherry County Fairground. More information located on their website here:

The Valentine Lions Club will wrap up the evening with their annual fireworks display at about 10:00 pm CT.  There is no fee to watch the fireworks, and the public is welcome to watch from their vehicles. People are encourage to social distance and practice good health measures to ensure a safe and healthy Independence Day.