The Cherry County Commissioners met yesterday for a regular meeting at the Cherry County Courthouse conference room. Representatives from the Cherry County Visitors Promotion Board updated the commissioners on the Merritt Reservoir Dark Sky Designation. No action was taken on the informational agenda item.

The board discussed protocol for regular meetings during the courthouse closure due to Covid 19. The courthouse offices remain locked but commissioners will meet in the Sheriffs conference room and citizens can use north doors of the courthouse for entry.

Cherry County Road Superintendent Kent Lopez updated the board on county roads and information from FEMA. Roads in South Cherry County are difficult to travel with a couple of closures.

Cherry County Emergency Manager Gary Weaver gave a report on Covid 19 and FEMA updates as well. No new restrictions.

Cherry County Hospital Administrator Brent Peterson introduced new Hospital CEO Kyle Kellum to the commissioners. Mr. Kellum will be taking over after Mr Peterson’s retirement.

Michele Garwood from UNL Extension called in to update the board on extension activities in reference to Covid 19.

The next commissioners meeting is scheduled for April 14th.

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