Minor seasonal flooding along the Niobrara River continues. Photo courtesy of Steve Breuklander. 

...The Flood Advisory continues for the Niobrara River...
  Niobrara River near Sparks affecting Brown...Cherry and Keya Paha

.The river level along the Niobrara River at Sparks continues in
minor flood stage. Some minor fluctuations in the river level will
continue due to ice jamming.


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916 AM CST Mon Jan 15 2018

The Flood Advisory continues for
  The Niobrara River near Sparks.
* until Tuesday evening.
* At  7:15 AM Monday the stage was 6.5 feet.
* Flood stage is 6.0 feet.
* Forecast...The river will remain in minor flood stage with minor
  fluctuations due to ice.
* Impact...At 6.5 feet...Minor flooding along the lower banks
  downstream from Berry Bridge to Smith Falls Campground.