At Thursday evening’s regular meeting of the Valentine City Council, the council voted to proceed with several agenda items. After discussion of a few Miller Field airport topics, the council will move forward with a recommendation from the airport board to construct a 100’x100′ box hanger to replace one that blew down several years ago. They also approved a request from Tom Monroe of North Central Aviation to lease ground space on the west side of the airport for a spray plane containment pad. The will also return $20,000 in unused funds to the Division of Aeronautics as required, if the funds are not used within four years of issuance.
The purchase agreement between the City of Valentine and the Cherry County Ag Society to facilitate the donation of the portion of the fairgrounds owned by the city was approved. City Attorney Suzy Beel had reviewed the contract.
The purchase of a new police vehicle was approved. After discussion and review, the motion was made to purchase the smaller SUV vehicle from Tehrani Motors. After law enforcement equipment is added, the cost will most likely be between $45,000 and $50,000.
The council voted to support the recommendation from the Economic Development Board to host meetings recruiting a high end commercial composting business in Valentine.
Because there were only 4 of the 5 city council representatives in attendance, there was a tie vote for position of president of the city council and the matter will be brought up again when all 5 members can be present.
No action was taken on a proposed skate park pending further information.